房地产新闻 卢森堡|独角兽 - Page 5


著作 10/03/2021
Better (still a positive adventure) For an occasional investor (but this is valid for a first purchase), Céline Cokelaere of Unicorn advises defining a budget in accordance with a location...
博客 19/02/2021
On the lookout for exceptional properties in Luxembourg and internationally, Unicorn Real Estate likes to tell the story of each of them. With the voice of the former director of the Centre Culturel de...
新闻 04/02/2021
In a sumptuous and renovated setting, in the heart of the city center, Unicorn Real Estate is the reference in the Luxembourg real estate market. From purchase to sale, including rental management, syndicate...
博客 14/01/2021
In a sumptuous and renovated setting, in the heart of the city center, Unicorn Real Estate is the reference in the Luxembourg real estate market. In 2021, while the health crisis persists, the agency led...
新闻 15/03/2020
继FNAC和Delhaize之后,Galeries Lafayettes刚刚在Royal-Hamilius项目中开业。这是一个法国集团的活动,它首次在大公国的领土上建立自己,为其客户提供6个楼层,完全致力于时尚、家居和美容。 一个新的空间也将出现,以突出其与卢森堡豪华品牌SMETS的伙伴关系。老佛爷百货公司总经理尼古拉斯-乌泽(Nicolas Houzé)表示,这是一个 "为卢森堡设计的独特场所,其产品种类可以满足当地客户的需求"。 渐渐地,几个大品牌将在这个奢华的皇家-Hamilius建筑群内建立起来,这16家商店将为居民提供愉快和实用的生活方式。 位于市中心皇家大道和邮政广场之间,皇家-Hamilius概念是卢森堡大路的旗舰项目之一,是卢森堡最重要的商业轴线。 在这个崇高概念的屋顶上,在2020年第一季度,将举办Victorine概念以及著名的Manko巴黎餐厅--这是Gaston...
博客 04/12/2019
The real estate agencies Unicorn and Inowai as well as the developer Immobel, met this Thursday, November 29, 2019 at the Boos Beach lounge bar, to celebrate the end of the marketing of the flagship project...
新闻 01/07/2019
This Wednesday, June 26 was held the first edition of the Immorun race organized by Immobel. A concept coming straight from Belgium, the goal is to strengthen the work teams and to enlarge the professional...
新闻 15/05/2019
The Wednesda 15th of May was taking place the open doors day of the show apartment of the main project Royal-Hamilius, signed by the famous architect FOSTER + PARTNERS, and in collaboration with TRETRA...
新闻 01/03/2019
Be the first to visit the show flat of the prestigious Royal Hamilius project in the heart of Luxembourg City. The visit will take place on Wednesday 15 May 2019, from 4pm until 8pm. This mixed-use project...


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