Latest real estate news Luxembourg - News - Page 2
News 17/02/2023
Unicorn signs the first apartments Terre de Sienne in Esch-Sur-Alzette of the developer Capelli. The department of your real estate agency, specialist in the VEFA (Sale in the State of Future Completion)...
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News 08/02/2023
After a successful commercial launch and a great development dynamic, the work on the Canal 44 project has begun. This is good news for the future residents and the neighborhood, who will see their neighborhood...
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News 07/02/2023
Inflation, rise in interest rates from 1.9% in January 2022 to over 4% last December. The VEFA (Vente en l'Etat Futur d'Achèvement) is becoming more and more frightening for potential buyers....
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News 15/12/2022
The beautiful Capelli project is making great strides in the town of Bettange-sur-Mess, this house of approximately 140m2 is gradually being built. A spectacle that our agency is lucky enough to experience...
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News 10/10/2022
Terre de Sienne, vous offre un cadre convivial dans un nouveau quartier résidentiel. Projet élégant et en adéquation avec le paysage architectural, il vous offre un large éventail...
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News 14/07/2022
Le dernier lot des résidences du parc est en plein avancement, et votre agence Unicorn est ravie de pouvoir être spectatrice de son évolution ! Livrée en 2023, les travaux...
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News 08/04/2022
Les travaux de la résidence Canal 44, en plein centre-ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette progressent à grand pas ! Le terrassement commence et la silhouette du jardin en cœur d’Ilot...
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News 16/03/2022
Le projet Trengen Knapp à Oetrange avance à pas de géant, et votre agence immobilière Unicorn en est le témoin privilégié !  Pour rappel, Trengen...
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News 11/02/2022
Up'Side and all choices are allowed! Do you want to live in a dream setting? In a dream city? All this with the certainty of quality finishes and the professional follow-up of your Unicorn Real Estate...
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