Only a few apartments left in West Valley and an exceptional offer!

Only a few apartments left in West Valley and an exceptional offer!
新闻 04/04/2023

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The good news comes with the good weather: acquire today one of the last available apartments in a peaceful and green setting. 

In the calm of the countryside, only 16 minutes by car from Luxembourg City, the latest West Valley apartments in Moutfort promise ideal living comfort. Offering beautifully designed amenities in addition to the outdoor spaces available in each remaining property, they are now available at very attractive prices.

Since April 3, our partner developer Capelli has been offering a commercial discount of 15,000€ (including tax) 3% per room on the remaining lots. An exceptional discount allowing the acquisition of a two-bedroom apartment with unparalleled charm at a price of 716,489€ including 3% tax.  

Since the beginning of inflation and the rise in interest rates, Capelli has multiplied the different actions in order to allow you to acquire new properties in the four corners of Luxembourg. Indeed, while the rates are constantly evolving, the promoter and its partner bank guarantee a preferential and frozen rate until the signature of the deed at the notary. For indexations, the offer is the same, no indexation will be taken into account until then.

You want more information about the new projects and actions implemented by Unicorn and Capelli to better serve you? Don't wait any longer, contact us today at 26 54 17 17 or by e-mail at 

* The discounted prices are already applied on the West Valley project available on Discount available only on apartments and houses excluding penthouse and low-cost houses.
REF 7403

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