Royal - Hamilius : Work resumes

Royal - Hamilius : Work resumes
新闻 01/07/2016

  • Image
Unicorn went to the site and prepared a small series of photos that will allow you to follow the demolition site.
According to the demolition plan, it is planned to start with the dismantling of the North buildings in order to penetrate inside the complex to demolish the other buildings.
This dismantling is done starting with the upper floors.  
The closing of the square is necessary for the destruction of the Hamilius Tower.

To follow the demolition and its progress live, the City has made available a webcam that captures all stages.  An image every 15 minutes is available on their website.
Another very nice tool: the TimeLapse.  
A video that includes all the images captured by the webcam and allows you to live the demolition of buildings since the beginning of the demolition site.  
You can clearly see the buildings disappear.
To follow live: City website
REF 7021

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