Belval in the light

Belval in the light
新闻 01/08/2016

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The new Belval district has been mentioned several times in the media this week. 
First of all, it was reported that the University of Luxembourg is ranked among the top 200 universities in the world. According to the annual ranking published by the British magazine Times Higher Education, the latest addition to the Belval district is ranked 193rd in the world and stands out for its international orientation. 
Another piece of information is that 70% of the land in this new district has already been taken up, of which almost 40% by private investors. The total investment by these investors is close to one billion euros, divided into housing, commercial and office space.
The result of these investments is undoubtedly the increase in the population of this new district, which now has nearly 1400 inhabitants. Every day Belval is more and more frequented: 4000 employees, 600 researchers, 3500 students and high school students pass through, not to mention the customers of the shopping centers, cinema and concert hall.
If you are interested in this new district, you should know that Unicorn is a specialist in this sector and that we still have a few apartments to rent in the area. 
REF 7204

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